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27 September 2021

Promoting better mental health in the workplace

Is your organisation promoting positive mental health at work?

Stress at work, when not managed well, can be associated with poor mental health. This can lead to increased absenteeism, conflict, and people issues, and may result in reduced productivity and unfavorable outcomes and results.

At Ausco Modular the introduction of Mental Health First Aid Training (MHFA) has been enthusiastically embraced by staff across our organisation.  MHFA is an evidence-based training course that gives these employees the skills and confidence to have supportive conversations with their co-workers and help guide them to professional help if needed.

To further support our commitment to positive mental health at work, we have partnered with Converge International our Employee Assistance Program provider to run a series of monthly Wellness Webinars. These webinars are designed to provide all staff with a range of mental wellness topics to help them build their resilience in their lives. 

Topics include:

  • Mental health awareness
  • Dealing with technology stress
  • Managing personal relationships
  • Nutrition for life
  • Sleep & our health
  • Work-life integration
  • Mindfulness
  • Unconscious bias
  • Financial wellness
  • Managing personal relationships
  • Positive parenting.

The next webinar focuses on dealing with technology stress or commonly known as Techno Stress, which is caused by the rapid changes in technology and occurs because of our inability to be as proficient as we’d like.  Having access to a webinar and resources that help employees explore the importance of understanding the impact of technology and provide strategies to improve healthy usage, manage stress, and feel more engaged with work and life is important in the workplace and at home.

At Ausco we understand the importance of positive mental health in the workplace and will continue to offer MHFA training to staff and monthly webinars to better educate employees.