Ready to return a building? Contact us on 13 62 11 or initiate a building return here: Contract numberSerial number/sFirst name*Last name*Company name*Email*Phone number*Street address*Let us know the physical address of the building/item to be returned.Project Suburb*Let us know which suburb the building/item is being returned from.State*Let us know which state the building/item is being returned from.Please SelectACTNSWNTQLDSATASVICWAOutside of AustraliaProject Post Code*Let us know which post code the building/item is being returned from.Are you the site contact?*YesNoProposed return date*When would you like to return the building/items?Proposed return time (AM/PM)*What time would you prefer the building/items returned?I/we will have a crane/franna on site to assistMore detailsLet us know if there is any more detail you want to tell us.