The Majority of Ausco Modular’s Australian Operations Now Powered by Renewable Energy
At Ausco, we love our sunburnt country and want to protect it. We are not just talking about it, we are doing something about it.
Ausco has partnered with Origin Energy to help power a large portion of its Australian operations with wind-generated renewable energy in the form of Large-Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) from 1 January 2022.
For the next 8 years, we have a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Origin Energy for a percentage of the output from Origin’s Stockyard Hill wind farm in regional Victoria, providing Ausco with up to 6,900 megawatt hours of renewable energy each year.

The PPA will meet around 75% of the energy needs of Ausco’s Australian hire, manufacturing, and Stayover Village operations in 2022, the same emissions as about 550 households (based on 10.8 tCO2e/household/year for electricity).
The move will save approximately 5,900 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents from being released into the atmosphere each year, helping Ausco Modular take a step closer to meeting its commitment to climate change action and achieving its 2028 greenhouse gas reduction target.

Images courtesy of Stockyard Hill Photo Competition.
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