Adelaide United Football Club Modular Training Facility

Ausco Modular delivers award-winning training facility

The new, purpose-built Adelaide United Football Club Training Facility is the cornerstone of the City of Playford’s Sports Precinct vision. Located at Ridley Reserve, just off Main North Road at Elizabeth, the facility represents design, functionality and building excellence in relation to Tier 1 sporting facilities. The facility incorporates a fully equipped gymnasium with dedicated weights, circuit and stretching areas, players change room, ablution facilities, coaches change room, ice bath room, physiotherapy room, team briefing room, meeting rooms, storage, public toilets and commercial laundry.

The City of Playford’s original plan was to provide a temporary building for Adelaide United to commence preseason training in September 2015, until a suitable facility could be installed for Adelaide United’s long-term use. Ausco Modular saw a redesign opportunity to work with all parties to build a long-term solution that represented a purpose-built , innovative, functional and state of the art training complex.

Modular construction provides a permanent solution in time for football season

The redesign made the building more efficient and provided a vastly improved training centre for Adelaide United. The redesign offered a permanent home for Adelaide United while still having the functionality to allow the building to be relocated at later date should the need arise. The redesign enabled cost savings to the building's structure, which meant more funds could be injected into upgrading the architectural features.

The modular construction enabled majority of the works to occur offsite in a factory environment. This has meant that the immediate surrounds of the park received minimal disruption. Building the training facilities offsite enabled civil and infrastructure headworks to be completed on-site, while the modular buildings were being completed in our factory. The modular building solution meant the facilities were handed over in 19 weeks, not the approximate 55 weeks a conventional site-built structure requires. The quick turnaround time enabled Adelaide United to commence their preseason training sooner and has contributed to the success of their season.

The overall facility is a testament to the collaborative efforts of all parties involved.

"Through all the discussions we've had, they've gone above and beyond in helping us."

Michael Petrillo, Former Adelaide United Chief Executive

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