The Kooralbyn International School

Ausco provides innovative two-storey education solution

With a rapidly growing student population, TKIS faced a familiar challenge - keeping the school operational while also putting in place the facilities that would allow for successful operation in the coming years. Not only were facilities a problem, but TKIS also faced problems of vehicle congestion each afternoon.

In a bid to address both issues, the board of TKIS took a bold move purchasing surrounding land and embarking on an extensive facilities redevelopment project.

The $3.5 million development project was due to be completed in stages over five years, with Ausco Modular commissioned to deliver a new 745m2 double-storey building incorporating six air-conditioned classrooms complete with flexible learning environments, a new staff room, and administration hub, as well as PWD-compliant toilet facilities.

Unfortunately, the site available for the new building was a challenging one. As is the case with most schools operating at or near full capacity, TKIS lacked easy site options on which to place a new building, let alone one requiring such a large footprint.

The site itself is aggressively sloping and required retaining walls and other infrastructure to be involved prior to the building works taking place. To add to that, the school is located in a flood hazard area and therefore the new structure had to be designed to be above flood levels while ticking the boxes for other mandatory design requirements.

Ausco’s innovative two-storey modular school building was designed in such a way that it minimized the constraints placed upon TKIS by the landscape that had to work within. The building was able to incorporate all the learning and administration areas required, while also presenting a modern, appealing facade that the staff, students and the broader school community can be proud of.

The new facility has been well received by all and has delivered many benefits, thanks to the flexible learning areas that help the teaching staff engage their students effectively. Especially loved by the students are the dedicated art and craft areas.

TKIS principal, Geoff Mills said that the new campus buildings, including boarding, administration and classroom facilities had helped the students connect to the world, thanks to their seamless integration of technology. For an isolated school, this is a benefit that can’t be underrated!

All in all, it’s an extremely important building upgrade that allows The Kooralbyn International School to realize their growth ambitions, and we are proud to have played a key role in providing the entire school community with this unprecedented infrastructure program.