Our Townsville Service Centre has now reopened following a previous closure due to severe weather. 

Redbank Plains Community Centre

Ausco answers the need for a new, vibrant community hub

As an area with an identified need for a community hub, the Redbank Plains Community Centre became the City of Ipswich’s highest priority community facility in 2018.

Completed in just 6 months, the facility is designed to provide multi-functional space to the local community, with seamless transitions between entertainment areas, BBQ and catering facilities and easy access to a carparking area.

To complete the project, Ausco Modular’s design and engineering team worked closely with both the City of Ipswich and their appointed architects to design a modern, multi-function building that would meet the needs of today and the growing local community.

The bulk of assembly took place off-site, at Ausco’s state of the art manufacturing facility located in Riverview, QLD, and was then transported directly to site for installation and final finishing. This off-site production methodology is critical to minimising time spent on site during construction, and greatly aids in Ausco’s ability to deliver against tight timeframes. The highly controlled factory production environment experiences minimal delays due to weather, generates negligible waste and, thanks to stringent safety procedures, rarely experiences injury incidents.

The site itself presented several challenges. A significant slope complicated matters, but most complex was the need to complete the job quickly. Additionally, Council was facing some challenges with funding issues that meant once approved, speed was of the essence. While a beautiful, visually appealing community centre was the desired outcome, there was simply no time for a traditional build.

Ausco Modular’s solution has delivered on all fronts. The building itself is attractive and modern, can service the needs of the growing community that numbers nearly 15,000 and was delivered to a condensed construction schedule that meant council’s planned opening dates were never at risk. The community centre includes consultation rooms, cooking areas (including the ability to run cooking lessons at the facility) and a conference area that has the flexibility to divide into multiple internal or external spaces.

Ausco Modular’s ability to work efficiently and effectively, despite the challenges of a difficult site, has ensured that this project was completed to the high standards required by the City of Ipswich.

Learn more about Ausco's solutions for local and regional Councils here.