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Customer Service is paramount at Ausco
31 January 2024

Lessons Learned from Customer Feedback in 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of customer satisfaction, staying attuned to customer feedback is paramount. The Net Promotor Score (NPS) has become a staple at Ausco for gauging customer sentiment and providing valuable insights that shape the trajectory the months ahead. In 2023, we delivered 1484 NPS surveys with 707 responses. 49% of those being in the Promotor category, so we know we're doing something right! Dive deeper into the insights gained from your valuable feedback.

  1. Communication is Key

Effective communication emerged as a recurring theme in our NPS feedback. Our customers appreciate transparency, timely updates and clear communication channels. Whether addressing concerns, delays or sharing exciting news, keeping the lines of communication open builds trust and positively influences our NPS.

  1. Operational Staff at Hire Yard Personalisation Drives Engagement

Customers no longer want generic interactions. The feedback received emphasized the value of personalised experiences. Customising our solutions according to specific job sites, geographic locations and unique experiences has led to heightened satisfaction. An additional advantage lies in sharing articles and information, enriching the value by ensuring customers maximise the benefits of products and services, such as optimising A/C performance for the upcoming summer season!

  1. Innovative Solutions

Our 360° Solutions that genuinely improve the customer experience were celebrated in the NPS feedback. Particularly, customers appreciate our solutions designed to address specific customer pain points, ensuring quicker and safer setup for businesses. Elevate onsite efficiency and safety with our Coverflex Modular Walkway, Site Security Cameras and a streamlined single-step solution.

Coverflex Modular Walkway
  1. Enhanced Fleet for 2023

We introduced brand new additions to our fleet, expanding and upgrading our range to better serve our customers. This didn’t go unnoticed and every one of you who experienced one of our new buildings appreciated it!

These insights offer a guide for us to improve your experience in the future. We consistently thrive to build stronger, enduring connections with each of our customers, appreciating your feedback. Anticipate the arrival of your upcoming survey in your inbox, and rest assured that every comment is carefully read and acted upon, pacing the way for greater and more substantial improvements.